
The Relax Effect

Burguete Design used our flexible LED panels for their latest job.


Commercial Shooting / Burguete Design

Aladdin Lights are ALWAYS our first choice for a busy shooting day. The ALL-IN panel came in very handy for this one. With the app we could choose the orange tone we wanted out of the whole RGB range.

For a more relaxed picture look we have used the fire effect with the ALL-IN. The effect itself is tunable so you can dim it and setup the flickering speed. You can even choose the color for the effect. Make it blue or green if you like to. For us it had to be a comforting warm tone with a shimmer of red in it to imitate candles.

We are amazed by the Aladdin Lights for many years. It’s still incredible how fast you can work with those lights. For shoots like this we only use battery options. Put a v-mount battery on it and start shooting.

Jacky Alavez – DoP

Alavez Burguete Design – Switzerland

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