
Tailor Project

Produced by Pixel Love







Commercial Shooting / Pixel Love

For the Startup Tailor project we produced a portrait video.
The camera set up was a RED Dragon 6K in combination with Atlas Orion lenses and an Easyrig and FX Lion Nono V-Mount batteries. These proved to be extremely comfortable in this setup due to their weight, as the whole film was shot by Handhelth. Despite the 98 watt hours I was amazed how long the V-Mount batteries powered the camera at high resolution, frame rate and low compression. Lightwise we worked with an Alladin Fabric Lite 200, LED Dedolights and a Lightstar LUXED12-LM-H LED Bi-Color Spacelite 2160W. We used the Fabric Lite mainly in tungsten light temperature to counteract the litepanel which we let run on daylight temperature. We wanted to test this as an HMI replacement. We used it as a direct light source as a windowlight and as a key light in the outdoor area. Here we worked with a 6 x 6 frame and 1/2 litegrid fabric to soften the light a bit. Additionally we used it as a bounce light, in which we blasted it onto a white wall and softened it additionally – in principle as a book light. I wasn’t sure
if the panel would produce enough brightness to use it as a room illumination via a window, but I actually had to dim it in the close ups. Impressive!


Tom Brunner, D.O.P

Pixel Love GmbH

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