
Lighting Breakdown

Lighting Breakdown

Lighting Breakdown With Ben Steensels These breakdowns are small scenes out of a series of 8 commercials for a global TVC campaign for an international brand.  We shot over the course of 3 days. My gaffer (Daan De Boer) had a best boy and 2 assistants with him.  Since...
Colors on the Road

Colors on the Road

Colors on the road Once upon a time there was a light that changed the way I worked. Colors on the Road Aladdin ALL-IN 1 We had a fun project on the table to shoot an internal training film for an insurance company. One of the scenes was a night drive through a small...


ALL-IN 1 Once upon a time there was a light that changed the way I worked. ALL-IN 1 RGB flexible Panel Once upon a time there was a light that changed the way I worked. A few years ago Aladdin presented the first flexible LED panel. I was amazed from the first moment...


CROSSFIT 4×4 frame with 800 watt of breathtaking Bi-Color LED power.         Shooting with TizianTenzin Aladdin did it again! We get a product we actually need as filmmakers and not another soulless unfunctional product some company tries to...


HOTEL-BAR Shooting with Burguete Design HOTEL BAR Burguete Design Every once in while you are facing a very difficult shooting location. For us it was at a dark moody hotel bar. Small windows and a lot of mirrors to manage. It was a light situation doomed to fail. But...
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