Fire Effect
On set with Fauzee Nasir
With Fauzee Nasir
A journey of young Rohingya refugee named Hasina, who has been sent to different parts of Malaysia in hope of meeting his father and finding a better life.
Gaffer’s note
Two major things affected this production – low budget; we couldn’t afford to have generators on set for bigger lights. And second; quick setup with minimal crew and big effects. We have choosen the latest Aladdin ALL-IN 1 RGB, ALL-IN 2 RGB as well as an Aladdin Bi-Flex 1 and Flexlite 2 Daylight with accessories.
The most challenging scene was with the house on fire at the background. With the Aladdin ALL-IN we distributed a nice fire flickering effect as a keylight. More importantly we could set it up with the app and control the lights and flickering live.
Director/Writer: Aiman Aliff
DP: Azrul Fazlee
Gaffer: Fauzee Nasir